What can a CTO For Hire do for you?



A contract CTO can provide many different skills and specialty areas to a business.


Work with software development teams to provide people leadership. Nominally a "Director of Engineering" who can provide stability, direction and drive momentum across your teams.


Work with founders and business leaders to define and execute on key technology changes within a business. Align product goals to delivery plans and help businesses smash milestones.

Due Diligence

Bring experienced independent review to existing projects & programs of work to give business leaders confidence in their decision making.

Coaching & Training

Provide mentorship and coaching to people leaders & their teams to get the most out of the staff you have.
The best senior staff in your team are the seniors that you grow and mentor along the way!

CTO For Hire

Hire a senior technical leader to enable your team and your organisation. This can be during periods of growth or to help 'hold space' during a moment of uncertainty or change. A CTO For Hire is an independant leader who's 'in your corner'.

Workshops & Training

Photo of 5 people standing by a board collaborating on index cards.
Photo by FORTYTWO on Unsplash

Grow your team's skills and mindset with personalised workshops and training. CTO For Hire brings decades of software and product development experience to coach your team to ship great products and services to your partners and customers.


Over a decade of speaking experience, captivating and entertaining thousands of attendees with educational anecdotes and thought provoking stories.

“Possibly the most exciting talk I've ever seen at a conference!”

Tech Events

CTO For Hire brings a decade of event management and community leadership experience to help you run your meetups, hackathons and tech events. Elevate your internal and external event experiences with world-class support.


Hear from what my clients and collaborators have to say.

“Our projects are on track with the team inspired and highly functional. Outstanding outcome with lasting impact!”

Charles Fox

Investor, Non-Executive Director

“Authentic, switched on, respectful and incredibly knowledgeable. Working with you has been a breath of fresh air.”

Allira Andreoni

Senior Delivery Lead

“You bring so much positivity, good vibes, and wisdom into our leadership team!”

Rick Giner

Director Engineering

“Thank you for lending an ear and sharing a sage word or two of advice for balancing stakeholders and technical requirements.
And for having my back always!”

Juan Ojeda

Technical Lead

“Working together was an incredible experience.
You led the project with clarity, purpose and actionable goals.”

ManojPrabhakar M

Software Craftsperson

“I appreciate your constant push for quality and improvement.”

Nic Crouch

Senior Performance Engineer

“I value the resilience, positivity and organisation he brings to the team!”

Founder & CEO

Stealth Founder